Category: Child & Parenting

  • Preparing Core and Pelvic Floor Muscles for Labour Through Physiotherapy

    Preparing Core and Pelvic Floor Muscles for Labour Through Physiotherapy

    Pregnancy is a transformative time for the body, but it can also be physically demanding, especially as the body prepares for labour. Strengthening your core and pelvic floor muscles is one of the most effective ways to support your body through these changes and get ready for childbirth. Physiotherapy offers exercises and techniques that can…

  • Tips for Handling Toddler Fears

    Tips for Handling Toddler Fears

    This would be an example of how not to deal with a child who is afraid of birds. When my daughter was about 15 months old, she developed a sudden and dramatic fear of fuzzies. Yes, you heard me right. Fuzzies by her definition included dust bunnies (which abound in my home) and hairs. We…

  • Kids and Obesity

    Kids and Obesity

    I confess that I watch a few reality tv shows. I never got into Shaq’s Big Challenge though. I never even flipped it on once and only knew the very basics about it because of the commercials for it. Tonight I got stuck watching it because the remote in the bedroom is broken and I was on…

  • Pregnancy Q&A

    Pregnancy Q&A

    Here are some questions and answers regarding pregnancy which every couple have to face. 1. How did you find out you were pregnant?During my first pregnancy I was working at an ob/gyn office as a receptionist. I was only a few days late but at the urging of my two coworkers (who were teasing more…